Indicators (14/119)

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procedure type (67)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

Every non-open procedure type carries a higher corruption risk than open procedures in terms of single received and valid bids and winner’s contract share. Therefore developers set the indicator's value 0 , if there is ano open procedure, 1, if there is an invitation procedure, 2, if there is a negotiation procedure, and 3, if there are other procedures (e.g. competitive dialogue). Indicator's value is 4, if procedure type is missing/erroneous.

relative price of tender documentation (70)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

Relatively expensive tender documentation makes bidding more expensive and hence deters bidders from bidding except for the wellconnected company which is close to certain of its succes. This is a ratio-indicator calculated between the price of tender documentation/contract value.

single bidder (65)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

Single received bid contracts make it easier for issuers to repeatedly award contracts to the same well-connected company. The indicator's value is set 0 if more than one bid received and 1, if one bid received

weight of non-price evaluation criteria (73)

Country: Hungary
Language: Hungarian

This indicator measures the proportion of non-price related evaluation criteria within all criteria, since non-price related evaluation criteria tend to be more subjective, allowing issuers to favour the well-connected company. Apparently unfair assessment criteria also deters bidders.